Hi! I’m Elisa Kappel, a career changer and now Digital Business Owner.
I love learning how to make money online with Affiliate Marketing and other business models. I truly believe this is the future for those who don't want to work for others anymore.
I’ve worked for a long time with International Purchasing, Customs Regulations and National/International Logistics. I loved my career, but everything's changed when I moved from Brazil to England in 2017.
I found myself lost in my professional life. Mid-30s, with so much knowledge and professional skills, I had to relocate myself in a new market, with new rules and a totally different culture.
I knew I had done everything I could to build my career until that point, but the struggle to re-climb the corporate ladder was real. So, I started looking around for some location-free opportunities that I could do from anywhere and still make money and have my financial independence.
So I typed on Google, “how to make money online” and a new world was introduced to me.
I’ve found so many ways of working at home and making money to support my family, but one of them was a no-brainer: Affiliate Marketing. It couldn’t suit me more perfectly. It was love at first sight!
Since then, I've been helping people understand that changing careers nowadays is not a big monster and far from being difficult (as I thought it would be!). Learning online skills is a game-changer even for those who love their jobs and just want to make extra income to support their dreams.
The sky is the limit for those who take action towards their goals. I'm one of them.
Thanks for reading,
Elisa Kappel