Elisa Kappel Official Blog/Digital Marketing/How To Make Money With Digital Marketing in 2024

Friday, November 01, 2024

Elisa Kappel

“My job is sucking the life out of me!”
“I’m not growing in this job.”
“Maybe I need to start a business and be my own boss.”

Sound familiar?

If you’ve said any of these things, you’re not alone. And you’re not wrong about being your own boss. I’ve been in online business for myself for half a year, and already, my life is so much better.

And no, I’m not a tech wizard.

No, I didn’t have to “raise capital.”
No, I didn’t know anything about digital marketing. I started from scratch.

If I could do it, so can you.

In this article, I’m gonna show you that being your own boss and working with Digital Marketing is much easier than you’d ever think!

​ So, first things first. What is digital marketing?

Digital Marketing – Unveiled

The Internet has become our second skin. We can barely do anything without it.

And that includes shopping.

It’s very common to look for products and services on the Internet before going to the shops, either to research the best prices, to seek information about a particular product or service or even find out more about a problem we have.

Due to this new way of knowing all you can have access to, Digital Marketing was born:

An Instagram post that says “shop now”? That’s digital marketing.
A Facebook ad that says “learn more” or “join the masterclass”? Also, digital marketing.
This blog post you’re reading? You guessed it: digital marketing.

And of course, this handy guide to Skyrocket Your Business, that you can have FOR FREE, is digital marketing.

​Digital marketing is all the bits online that lead you to subscribe to, join, or buy something. And if you want to be your own boss in 2019, you need to learn it.

A Little Bit Of History

Turning up in the 90s, Digital Marketing has changed the way companies use technology in promoting their businesses.

In the past, we needed to wait for the companies to give us info about the products. Nowadays, each one of us has become an info source.

The Internet allows us to play a more active role in this process. In numbers, it means that 60% of shopping has already been done before the consumer even contacts the seller.

But while it seems challenging, Digital Marketing is actually a huge opportunity for companies to strengthen their brand and multiply their business opportunities, as the Internet is a part of people's lives.

​In addition, it includes several fronts of action, such as Content Marketing, Email Marketing, social networks, among others, which increases its reach and influence in the consumer buying process.

This Is What You Get When You Build An Online Business

Why should you build your own business on the Internet?

That’s probably the easiest Q to an A!

​The advantages of having an online business and the reason you’ll definitely say goodbye to bosses and fixed working hours forever!

  • No need to follow others’ orders anymore - When you come aboard on a new business you are your own boss and you achieve the much-desired autonomy at work.
  • Enjoy organising your schedules, tasks and activities yourself according to your work pace, preferences and availability - Being your own boss allows you to discover the right job methodology for you and learn something you may never have imagined doing.
  • Floating working hours - One of the great advantages you have when you start and create your own business is to be able to choose your work schedules and combine personal, family and professional life.

But this is something that must be done very carefully!

The fact that you do not have a schedule to complete can be tempting to do many other tasks and leave the work aside.

​That's why I recommend that you take advantage of this flexibility in a smart way and learn how to manage your time very well and prioritise activities according to your goals.

  • Free work location – Since you own a digital business, you can work anywhere! In your sofa, bed or desk, at the nearest library or at your favourite bar. Any place is perfect to be inspired and earn money.
  • Create your legacy to the world – It’s a great opportunity to do something that is important to you and to the people. Actually, from my point of view, you’re going to serve the world and share with it exactly what you’ve become to do in this life. Imagine how meaningful it can be!
  • Dedicate your time to what you truly believe - There is no sense in undertaking in an area you don’t like, right? When you create your own business and work for your benefit, you can do something you really like and that motivates you. Is there anything more rewarding than that?
  • Cha Ching – Cha Ching! - That's right: you stop working for another person's economic benefit and start making more money for yourself. At first, you’ll take some time until adjust all variables in your favour, but, over time, you will begin to realize that it is worth it.
  • Thinking strategically and make good decisions - Having your own business teaches you to think more about something before executing it and making more strategic decisions.
  • Be more flexible to be with your family – This one is the golden reason for most part of the people. If you’re organised and productive, you can be more flexible to be with your family and friends. In fact, you can become a digital nomad and make money online even while traveling with your family members.

The Mindset You Must Have To Succeed Online

Change your mindset, change your life. It sounds so easy and still many of us tell ourselves it’s too late to change careers or that we don’t have enough time to learn something new.

Living with these limiting beliefs creates a self-fulfilling prophecy: we believe we can’t, so we don’t. If we instead lived in terms of “I can” and “I will”, imagine what we could achieve!

I personally had to choose changing my mindset in order to get the life I have today. I speak shortly about it in the last session of this article.

Also, I believe our thoughts have incredible power over our everyday lives, and that our moods and behaviours are a reflection of how we think.

​Here are some of the important tips about mindset you must know:

1. Adopt an Abundance Mentality, Not Scarcity Mentality

The more you give the more you receive back.

Do not hold information just because you believe you’re privileged knowing more than others. There is enough success for each one of the people in this world. Don’t be selfish.

Sharing knowledge is the most powerful thing you can do nowadays. Everyone benefits when we share ideas, even with your competitors.

​By recognizing that there’s more than enough success to go around, we’ve freed ourselves from limitations.

2. Stop Fearing Failure. Instead, Be Willing to Fail

The number one reason entrepreneurs don’t succeed is because they’re afraid to fail — that fear can even keep them from starting something in the first place.

The fact is, you can’t reach the peak unless you take the first step. I believe the only way to grow is making mistakes. I’ve just begun my business and have made tons of them. Learned with each one.

Risk is scary, but stagnation is worse — and the more you believe you’ll fail, the more likely it is that you will.

​Remember: if you’re not progressing then you’re failing anyway, so you’re better off taking the chance.

What Else Do You Need To Know?

Think you need a University Diploma to build a business? Nah, far away from it!

Nobody here is saying Diploma is not important. Knowledge is essential for anything in life. But it doesn’t mean you need to spend 4 or 5 years of your life before starting something.

I’m a proof of it. I graduated in International Relations – which didn’t give me any idea of how to build a business – I’m specialist in Brazilian Customs Legislation – which puts me farther away from having my own company – and now I’ve changed career for promoting products online as an affiliate marketer.

​But I’m studying a lot. And I’m loving it! Thanks God the Internet allows us to have access to amazing online courses. You just need to pick the best one and enjoy the road!

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Hi, I Am Elisa Kappel

Digital Entrepreneur

I've discovered the Digital Marketing world and I've never looked for a job again. Now I help thousands of people to do the same.

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